Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Video: Communities Respond to Foreclosure Storm

Just in from our colleagues at TuMultimedia, Sarahmaria Gomez and Alex Fledderjohn, here's a powerful video about the massive impact that the foreclosure crisis has brought down on neighborhoods, and how some communities are fighting back with trainings for homeowners as well as political and social activism. It's a nine-minute piece featuring trainers, organizers and people who have fought -- or are fighting -- to keep their homes.

Foreclosures Hit Hard; Chicago Neighborhoods Respond from Tu Multimedia on Vimeo.

If you'd like a copy of this video to use at community meetings about foreclosures, contact Gordon Walek of the Chicago Neighborhood News Bureau:


Mike Quinlan said...


Is Vimeo better than YouTube? The quality is very good.

Patrick Barry said...

That's not your imagination, the quality really is better, says Sarahmaria Gomez of TuMultimedia, who is equally impressed. Vimeo offers the same "embedding" feature as YouTube, but Sarahmaria points out that it is not as actively searched, so you won't get as many chance visits as you might on that channel. If most traffic comes through embedded videos on your site, though, Vimeo could be worth the switch.

Douglass Davidoff said...

Congratulations on an important video well executed.